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Privacy Policy

Responsible for the treatment

The entity responsible for the processing of your data is the following:

Domain names: /
Trade name: GRIERA
Company Name:  HERMANOS GRIERA, S.L.
CIF: B61178026
Registered office:  Travessia Prat de la riba 90,  08849 Sant Climent de Llobregat (Barcelona), Spain,
Phone: +34 936473600

HERMANOS GRIERA, S.L. recognizes the importance of protecting your personal information and is committed to treating it responsibly and in accordance with data protection laws.

This privacy policy is intended to regulate all aspects relating to the processing of data of different users who browse or provide their personal data through the various forms located on this website.

Personal Data

Personal data is information that identifies you or makes you identifiable. Through the forms on our website, in the boxes provided for this purpose we collect personal data that the user communicates to us: Name, email and telephone,  for identification purposes.

Thus, if you decide to register through such forms your data will be treated lawfully subject at all times to the principles and rights contained in the RGPD 2016/679 of 27 April 2016 and the LOPDGDD 3/2018 of December 5 as follows:

Purpose, duration and legitimacy of the treatment:

The data provided by the user will be used for the following purposes:

Your identification and contact data will be used to allow contact with the company both at user level and to request information about our products.  They will be collected through the  registration forms  and based on your consent, which you give by checking the box to accept our privacy policy before submitting your query through the  form on our website.  You may withdraw your consent at any time, unless we have entered into a contractual relationship. In this case, the legitimacy of the processing will be based on this contractual or pre-contractual legitimacy.

We will keep this data for the following periods:

– If the processing of your data is based on a contractual or pre-contractual relationship, we will retain your data for the duration of that relationship and thereafter for as long as we have to comply with any legal obligations arising from it, such as, for example, tax obligations;

– in the event that you do not decide to carry out any type of contract with us, they will be deleted from our databases  within one year unless you request it before the expiration of that period. In that case we will keep your initial consent  for the time established by law with a duration  of 2 years and only as proof of the legitimacy of our initial relationship.

The data will not be disclosed to third parties, except in the cases expressly provided for by law.

International transfers

No international transfers are made. In the event that at some point in time they could be carried out, they will be communicated to you in order to obtain your consent.

Data update

It is important for us to keep the personal data updated,  the user informs us whenever there has been any change in them, otherwise, we are not responsible for the veracity of them.

The user guarantees that the personal data  provided by  are truthful, guaranteeing  that all the information  provided corresponds to the real situation, that it is up to date and accurate, being obliged to communicate any changes.

Mandatory nature of the information requested

All our forms have an asterisk (*) in the required fields. If the user does not provide these fields, or does not check the box to accept the privacy policy, the information will not be allowed to be sent.

Data processing of minors

Whoever provides the data through the forms on this website and accepts its treatment declares to be over 14 years old, being forbidden its access and use to minors of that age. If at any time, the Responsible Party detects that a minor under 14 years of age has provided personal data, we will proceed to the cancellation of such data. Likewise, the parents or tutors will be able in any case to go to HERMANOS GRIERA, S.L. to block the account of access of the minors in his charge who had registered falsifying his identity.

Treatment of Cookies:

A cookie is a small file that is downloaded and stored on the user’s computer when the user accesses a  web page. Cookies allow the website, among other things, to store and retrieve information about the user’s browsing habits or equipment and, depending on the information they contain and the way you use your computer, can be used to recognize the user.

If you wish to know the cookies that are used on this website, we invite you to consult our Cookies Policy.

Rights of interested parties:

You have the right to access your data and to obtain confirmation  about its processing,  as well as a copy of the personal data being processed. 

You have the right to update them and request the rectification of data that are inaccurate or request deletion when the data are not necessary for the purposes for which they were collected. You can request the limitation  in the treatment  of your data and oppose  to the treatment  of the same revoking  your consent, as well as exercise the right to data portability. 

Similarly, you have the right not to be subject to decisions based solely  on the processing  automated  of your personal data.  You can exercise your rights by contacting us at our offices located in Hermanos Griera SL, with NIF: B08551459 and  registered office at Travessia Prat de la riba 90,  08849 Sant Climent de Llobregat (Barcelona), Spain, telephone  936473600 and contact e-mail:

If you consider  that your rights have not been properly addressed,  has the right to file  a complaint  before the Spanish Data Protection Agency

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